7. Print, Photo, Upload

7-1 Application: Print, Photo, Upload

A collection of my work:

I elected to choose a variety of final projects to create a layout I felt was appealing and gave a good representation of myself and my work.

Images include: my site banner, type layout, 25 boxes (butterflies),  one of my colorizing images study, one of my filter images, my bio-collage, image trace, and Illustrator to Photoshop image.

The images were printed and arranged on my bedroom wall, which is painted blue. I choose to arrange my images spacing out the greens/blues and the shades of grays in a triangle type arrangement with the orange, autumn horse photo the center image.

Using my camera I took photos of my collection; I took a variety of shots at different angles. I took a straight forward shot to make sure all the images were shown and I took shots from below and the side: I felt the angle taken from the side is the most interesting.

These photos were uploaded into Photoshop where I cropped them and corrected the exposure and adjusted the curves to improve the images contrast and enhance the colors.

A Collection of My Work: Front

A Collection of My Work: Side

workcollectionA Collection of My Work: Below

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